5 ways to keep a newborn calm during their newborn photography session

Ways to keep a newborn calm during their newborn photography session

Guess what!? I did a poll on my Instagram page asking YOU as a new parent when booking your newborn photographer, what is (or was) your biggest concern leading up to the appointment.  You all had the same exact concerns! Hands down, the most frequently asked question I get in my questionnaire is (insert drum roll here)…

keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia

What if my baby does not sleep during my newborn photography session?

This question is followed very closely by “what if my baby cries the entire session?”. I will address this question in a future post. But spoiler alert, it won’t happen.

I am pretty sure we all know about the 5 S’s for keeping a baby calm. Or maybe it’s something I learned in nursing school. I honestly don’t remember where I learned it but what I will tell you is those 5 tips are very real and very effective. I utilize almost all of them in the studio, in some way or another to make for a calm, quiet and happy session for both my newborns and my new parents.

keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia

Let’s start with one of the first S’s. Suck.

This one is controversial, I won’t belabor the point or make anyone feel uncomfortable, but babies find comfort in sucking. I love a pacifier for the session because often when I pose their hands near their face, they tend to root. I keep new, wrapped pacifiers in the studio for my clients who don’t want to use one but are ok with it for their newborn session. It doesn’t mean they are hungry. It just means it’s soothing. Not interested in using a pacifier? Please don’t stress one bit, if your newborn gets fussy, I am happy to take a break and let them eat or if they just want to suck, often I will have a parent (with a clean hand) put their finger in their baby’s mouth. No matter how it’s achieved.

keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia, newborn photographer studio charlottesville


The second calming S I use in my studio to calm your newborn infant for their photoshoot is the “swaddle”.


keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia

Now, let me be clear. The swaddling I do in the studio is going to be different then the swaddle you would use at home. I use stretch jersey knit wraps. They have a LOT of stretch to them. I also tend to layer, for quick, efficient work of a session and to reduce stimulation for your newborn. This way I am not wrapping and unwrapping them constantly.

The key point is to contain their arms. Babies have a natural reflex called the “moro”, also known as the startle reflex. It does exactly what it sounds like, startles your baby. I find that when swaddled nice and snug, arms tucked in, they are unable to startle themselves. This ensures your newborn will be comfortable and sleep contently during the session. I promise you; your baby loves to be swaddled. Babies are born in your snug, tight womb. They are not uncomfortable with swaddling, it’s actually very comforting for them.

newborn photography swaddle session

The third calming S I use in my studio to calm your newborn infant for their photoshoot is the “shush”.

keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia Newborn Charlottesville White Noise keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia calming techniques for your newborn photography session

If you have ever had a session with me, you know I love a good white noise machine. My absolute favorite (I own two) is my baby shusher. I edit it out of 75% of the newborn photos I take. Next to my camera & lens, it’s ever-present at every session.

Raise your hand if you left my newborn session and purchased one of these for your nursery. I make zero dollars if you click the link and buy one. I make zero dollars if you buy one after leaving my session. I recommend it because I love it so much and it works!! Just about every single client wants one after they leave. Most parents see the value of the “shush” and what’s even better is that they see it works!

The shusher is a nice, calm sound that mimics parents making the noise. My other white noise machine is just a small box, adjustable volume and is just a constant hum. It’s perfect for a background sound. This allows for conversation in the studio that doesn’t startle your newborn. It allows for the clicking of the camera, giggly toddlers, and any noise that may leak in from my hallway or lobby.

keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia



The fourth calming S I use in my studio to calm your newborn infant for their photoshoot is the “Swing/Sway”.

Ok, ok. I don’t swing an infant in the studio. But I have been known to pick up a car seat with a crying baby and start swinging it gently to calm them. But swaying with a newborn is something I will often recommend to a parent when they are holding their newborn for the photos. I also will pick your fussy newborn up and sway with them if I find them uncomfortable. It is instantly calming for most infants. I also keep two newborn vibrating pads in the studio. For my fussier babies, these will often be turned on in a bucket or under a blanket. You won’t see them, but they are there working their magic behind the scenes.

baby vibrating pad for photography sessions keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia



The fifth calming S I use in my studio to calm your newborn infant for their photoshoot is the “stomach”.


I don’t use this one nearly as often but it’s a great pose for most babies and most of them love to lay on their stomachs. I will let the photos do almost all the speaking for this one.

keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia, charlottesville newborn photographer

keep a newborn calm, ways to keep keep a newborn calm during newborn photography session, The Best Newborn Photographer in Charlottesville Virginia

Those are just 5 of the ways I use to calm a newborn during the newborn photography session. I photograph newborn babies in my Charlottesville studio 7 days a week. If you loved what you learned today, leave me a comment below. Do you have advice for how you calmed your own newborn? Let me know!

Looking to book a newborn photography session with me? Use the contact button above to message me!


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