Richmond Newborn Photographer Photographing Baby Jackson

One Month New Baby Jackson

Richmond, Virginia

When I first started photographing newborns, I remember learning that the ideal time to photograph them was between 4-14 days. I didnt turn away older babies but I definitely encouraged them to be within the first two weeks.
Over the years, as I have worked with newborns more and more, I have found that it’s not impossible to get sweet newborn portraits at any “week”, its just about managing expectations.


Is it easier in the first two weeks? Absolutly. Do I prefer the first few weeks? Of course. But that does not mean that newborn babies cant visit my studio at one month old and have perfectly adorable, simple photos. Will I turn your 6 week old away? NO WAY!

Check out sweet baby Jackson below. He was a month old for his session and we were STILL able get some adorable poses. Now, that does mean I am probably NOT going to be able to do naked poses (this is not always the case, but is more often true). Most of my “older” babies do end up with mostly swaddle poses or even dressed in outfit poses. But we still get gorgeous, traditional images!


There are a few small challenges with photographing an “older” newborn. Often baby acne has hit full force, and can be a challenge to diminish it in the portraits, but not impossible with the proper lighting. Also, older babies might be cluster feeding,  having a growth spurt or even just wanting to be held most of the time. Again, nothing we cant work around! It just might take a little longer and require patience from us all, but we will get it done! I promise, if you choose to photograph your newborn at any week, you will love your photos no matter what.  They are only this small for a little while.

Message me at to book your newborn portrait session. You wont regret it.





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