Baby Ruby
+ The dreaded baby acne in newborn photography and how to handle it for your newborn session (read more on this after Ruby’s gallery share…)

First, let’s take a moment to recognize this gorgeous newborn baby that is the current cover for my website. She really is such a doll, now a toddler and as sweet as a button, I realized how incredibly behind I am on my website, blogging and sharing client galleries. So, in an effort to catch up on possibly 4 years of back blogging, this is a start in the right direction.
Ahhhh! The dreaded newborn baby acne and your upcoming newborn photography session. What should you do. You wake up the morning of your newborn session and notice your newborn has broken out in a pimple rash on their face. And on the day of your session no less! How did this happen? Should you cancel your newborn session? Scrub it off? Treat it with something?
This happens a lot. I get a lot of emails or text messages from moms worried about newborn acne. Usually, we don’t see it appear much before the 5-6 week mark but sometimes I get newborns that have baby acne around 2 weeks. And guess what. It is ok! Please don’t scrub or cover it in lotions. Just leave it be. Babys have the most amazing skin that often, a blemish or scratch will magically disappear within hours of it appearing. With proper studio lighting and posing (and a little bit of photoshop editing) we wont even see the acne in your newborn photos.
Baby acne should be one less thing you stress about for your newborn photography session. So as your newborn photographer, I am not even remotely worried about it and you shouldn’t be either.
How many weeks was your newborn when baby acne appeared?