Fall Mini Sessions ~ Maggie’s Family

Family of 5 at Monticello Trail


It’s officially that time of year for Charlottesville Photography fall photo sessions, make sure you hug your photographer. Wait, cancel that, we still are battling covid. Instead compliment them and have tons of patience with them. Send them coffee and check on them (I take my coffee with cream and sugar), make sure they are alive!  This is the time of year when everyone is asking for family photos, we all want that perfect Christmas card photo. And let me tell you, it is hard work.

A boy being tickled by his dad

Just to clarify, I don’t photograph traditional “mini” sessions. You know, the conveyer belt sessions. Where clients are staggered one after each other in 10-15 minute spurts, so don’t let my title mislead you. My mini is just the shorter of my two family session packages.

I only photograph one client a day. So for me, a mini just means shorter time AND week day evenings. Not your in and out, my other clients have arrived so please move along session. I was explaining to a client recently the “why” behind my reason to no longer offer them.

And to sum it all up in one sentence, because you don’t get the best of me.

I want to make sure I photograph what I set out to. If I have a client backed up behind you- it creates stress and anxiety for me, you and the waiting client. I just don’t do it.

Charlottesville Photography at Monticello Trail Girl Portraits


We all love this time of year, the perfect fall colors. The warm sweaters and the rich earth tones. Honestly, most of my clients want this colors BUT its a incredible SHORT window here in Virginia. Charlottesville photography is some of my favorite but I have had to embrace the idea that we go from rich green grass to a very brief (maybe two week) window of fall colors and then, its dead. All of it. The red and yellow leaves are brown and crumbling on the ground. How do we fix this? How do we bring fall back to our photos?

Why, our outfits of course. Add in those layers. Bold, rich colors. That make us pop and stand out from all the brown.


Mom hugging toddler son and smiling

Let’s not forget to wear our emotions too! Smiles, hugs and laughter can make a photo everything. This was one of my absolute favorite images from this mini session. I could see (and feel) this mother’s love for her little boy. Still gives me chills.

Mother and Dad looking at each other


If you are interested in booking a full or mini family session for the fall message me via my contact form for my current availability and prices. I have very limited weekend spots left so make sure you book sooner rather than later.


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