Richmond Baby One Year Old Photographer Photographing Sitter Genevieve

Richmond Baby Photographer

Angela McNaul Photography Photographing One Year Old Genevieve


Richmond Baby Photographer Richmond Baby Photographer Richmond Baby Photographer Richmond Baby Photographer Richmond Baby Photographer Richmond Baby Photographer Richmond Baby Photographer Richmond Baby Photographer



I love all the sessions I have had with Genevieve. She is such a doll and her mom has the absolute very best taste in outfits for every single photography session we have ever had together. When we first met with her oldest daughter, they lived out at Lake Anna and we did some amazing photos at their lake house.  We also did Rosalie’s Cake Smash Session at my then home photography studio. They have since moved to Richmond and with the arrival of their second daughter, Erica comes to the studio for her photography sessions.  This is Genevieve’s baby and six-month photography sessions with me. With this session posted here, her final photoshoot, finishing up her milestone appointments with me.

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