Charlottesville Newborn Photographer Photographing Baby Nuri Mini Session

Charlottesville Newborn Photographer

Angela McNaul Photography Photographing Baby Nuri Mini Session

Charlorlottesville Newborn Photography Session Newborn Mini Session Charlottesville Charlottesville Newborn Swaddle Only Session


How does a newborn mini session work? How will you possibly get a variety of photos in a short photography session that last only 20 minutes? What if my baby cries the entire time? What if my baby won’t sleep? These are many of the questions I get asked on a regular basis about my newborn sessions. Especially my mini sessions, or my smallest packages. Today, I am going to run down some of the details that go into this session and put your minds at ease. The last thing ANY new mom needs to worry about is these things. If I am doing my job correctly, you should feel relaxed and stress-free the second you enter my studio.

First off, let’s address how a newborn mini works. It’s a short and sweet session. Generally, only one color is chosen and I start with the newborn in a swaddle. YES, your baby will like the swaddle. I know at home your baby might not like it, they might always get their arms out and cry. Rest assured, when I swaddle at the studio (think back to your nurses at the hospital and how they swaddled your baby) your baby will like it and most of them sleep like a rock once I get the first swaddle in place.  This is years of practice as both a NICU nurse and 10 years as a newborn photographer perfecting those skills.

Second, my newborn setups are ready the second you walk in the door. The props are all laid out, coordinated, and ready for your newborn. It’s a seamless transition. Once your baby is swaddled, I go right to work.

*If* your baby needs to eat or is fussy (this is rare), we let them eat and calm down. Most babies are pretty content in the studio. It’s a soothing environment for them and they are content to sleep. I keep the white noise going, my baby shusher is always on and it’s a nice warm, 78-80 degrees. Most babies sleep like they are back in your womb.

I have never had a newborn mini session in which I wasn’t able to produce a beautiful gallery for parents to select their images. You will have beautiful images. If it’s a mini session or a full. I don’t forgo quality just because it’s a shorter time frame.

Above are Nuri’s newborn photos. This was a full gallery that I was able to produce in under 30 minutes. Including a last-minute add-on of her birth sign.

Do you have more questions about Newborn Photography Sessions? Ask me in the comments below!


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