Charlottesville Newborn Photographer Photographing Newborn Finn

Charlottesville Newborn Photographer

Photographing Newborn Finn


Charlottesville Newborn Photographer, Charlottesville Newborn Baby Photography Studio Charlottesville Newborn Photographer Charlottesville Newborn Photographer


I loved meeting baby Finn! If you haven’t seen his parent’s amazing maternity session, be sure to click this link! They were amazing! Sweet Finn was a few weeks old when we did his newborn photography session, but he really loved being swaddled and slept like a champ through the entire session.

He gave me one grin the entire photography session and I was lucky to be fast enough to capture it on camera! It’s probably my favorite image from the entire session.

Are you curious where I got my props from? The bed in the last photo, I have had a few years but I bought from Lemon & Pearl Props. The layer, buckets, and wraps came from Magnolia Cottage Props.




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